About: ossvale

Recent Posts by ossvale

Sep 4

Optical Telescopes, Radio and X: main principles and differences – Part TWO – Radio telescopes

Radio astronomy is a relatively young science compared to optical astronomy. It found its early developments in the 1930s, over 300 years after the first observations in the visible spectrum. It was Karl Jansky, a researcher at Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1931, who, using an array of antennas over 30 meters in length, recorded radiation […]

Aug 19

Optical Telescopes, Radio and X: main principles and differences – Part One: optical telescopes

Seeing Beyond Since the beginning of astronomical observations in antiquity, humans sought a way to enhance the light-gathering capabilities of our eyes. Initially, the focus was on the visible spectrum: it appears that in the early 1600s, the first telescopes were already circulating in the Netherlands, although not for scientific-astronomical use. It was only in […]

Jan 3

Spectra or ghosts?


A phantom? A ghost? Well, yes but they are not very scary … because these are very particular ghosts. We call it spectra. You’ve all seen a rainbow: well, colored light of this wonderful natural phenomenon is precisely the light spectrum of sunlight that breaks down into all its components, which in scientific terms we […]

Nov 21

Chile, a paradise of stars – Part I

Moon in the desert

Since childhood, observing the sky has always been a passion, almost a must. The arrival of the night was a magical moment for me, while the dawn was always a bit sad. You know, life runs fast during the day, while at night everything seems more muffled, everything is quieter. And the stars come. Over […]

Sep 24

Hunting for eclipses

Eclipse USA 2017

Emotion is a highly sought-after word. It is not easy to excite someone and when someone succeeds with us, they leave us something special and unique. Getting excited by “something” rather than someone is even more difficult. We are bombarded with infinite inputs, from different media, real and virtual, and everything often seems obvious and […]

Sep 1


Atacama moonset

Internet is a wonderful world, it is a space that we all frequent every day and that brings us information, knowledge, news and fun curiosities. But it is also a world where anyone can have their say (a very advanced digital democracy) which therefore shows us its double-edged sword. What we read is not always […]

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