Sep 4

Optical Telescopes, Radio and X: main principles and differences – Part TWO – Radio telescopes

Radio astronomy is a relatively young science compared to optical astronomy. It found its early developments in the 1930s, over 300 years after the first observations in the visible spectrum. It was Karl Jansky, a researcher at Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1931, who, using an array of antennas over 30 meters in length, recorded radiation […]

Aug 19

Optical Telescopes, Radio and X: main principles and differences – Part One: optical telescopes

Seeing Beyond Since the beginning of astronomical observations in antiquity, humans sought a way to enhance the light-gathering capabilities of our eyes. Initially, the focus was on the visible spectrum: it appears that in the early 1600s, the first telescopes were already circulating in the Netherlands, although not for scientific-astronomical use. It was only in […]

Jan 3

Spectra or ghosts?


A phantom? A ghost? Well, yes but they are not very scary … because these are very particular ghosts. We call it spectra. You’ve all seen a rainbow: well, colored light of this wonderful natural phenomenon is precisely the light spectrum of sunlight that breaks down into all its components, which in scientific terms we […]