A series of educational proposals, freely downloadable and usable by teachers, students and anyone interested in deepening Astronomy and Science. Exercises and practical examples, experiments and projects that often lead (with appropriate links) to teaching sites of NASA or other important scientific institutions. Some of them may be in Italian.

Distance Sun-Earth at speed of light
How far is the Earth from the Sun? About 150 million kilometers. Even light takes a long time to travel this incredible distance, while traveling at a speed of around 300,000 km/s! In fact, a ray of sunlight takes 8 minutes and 17 seconds to reach us. In this video you can appreciate the relative "slowness" of the point of light shot by the Sun to reach the surface of the Earth.

A very nice cartoon that explains gravity as you've never seen! From the project LOONEY LAWS of PHYSICS (The foolish laws of physics) by Doctor Bombonico, created by Valerio Oss - Pixel Cartoon

International Space Station
A very interesting kit addressed to junior high school teachers who follow students from 12 to 15 years of age (level 2 of the ISCED classification). The different aspects of the ISS are illustrated in five chapters: what it is, how it was built, what it is like to live and work on board and what future travel will be like. In addition, related interdisciplinary exercises, a teacher's guide, a glossary, and OHP color slides are included

Italian astronomy Olympics
The Italian Astronomy Olympics offer all willing students of Italian schools, under the pretext of competition, an opportunity to meet researchers and compare with other young people, to cultivate an interest and passion for astronomy and a wide-ranging scientific scenario, with absolute respect for their moral and cognitive qualities. A battle of science!

Sunscreen activity with handprint
In this activity, see for yourself how to use sunscreen to block the sun's ultraviolet light rays and learn what they are and what damage they bring.